3.5. DRC/LVS with IC Validator

IC Validator is very command-line driven. Here are some usage notes:

  • Many PDK decks will use variables to control switches. These are defined on command line with -D and can be defined in Hammer config using the <drc/lvs>.icv.defines key (type: List[Dict[str, str]]).

  • Any deck directories that need to be included are defined on command line with -I and can be defined in Hammer config using the <drc/lvs>.icv.include_dirs key (type: List[str]).

  • Extensibility is enabled by passing a file to the icv command with -clf. This file contains additional command line arguments, and is generated in the generate_<drc/lvs>_args_file step (can be overridden).

  • Decks are included using the generate_<drc/lvs>_run_file step (can be overridden with additional ICV method calls).

  • Results/violations are generated in a format readable by VUE (interactive violation browser) using the -vue option.

  • Layout is viewed using IC Validator Workbench (ICVBV). It can communicate with VUE to generate violation markers by opening up a socket to ICV. The socket number can range between 1000 and 65535 (selectable by <drc/lvs>.icv.icvwb_port. Running the generated_scripts/view_<drc/lvs> script will handle this automatically, by starting ICVWB, opening the port, waiting for it to be listening, and then starting VUE.

  • ICVWB layer mapping can be specified in synopsys.layerprops key.

Tested with:

  • hammer-intech22-plugin