2.4. Sky130 Technology Library

Hammer now supports the Skywater 130nm Technology process. The [SkyWater Open Source PDK](https://skywater-pdk.readthedocs.io/) is a collaboration between Google and SkyWater Technology Foundry to provide a fully open source Process Design Kit (PDK) and related resources, which can be used to create manufacturable designs at SkyWater’s facility. The Skywater 130nm PDK files are located in a repo called [skywater-pdk](https://github.com/google/skywater-pdk/) A tool called [Open-PDKs (open_pdks)](https://github.com/RTimothyEdwards/open_pdks/) was developed to generate all the files typically found in a PDK. Open-PDKs uses the contents in skywater-pdk, and outputs files to a directory called sky130A.

[OpenLANE](https://github.com/efabless/openlane/) is an open-source RTL to GDSII VLSI flow that supports Sky130.

Before setting up the Sky130 PDK, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the process’s documentation [summarized below](#Resources).

2.4.1. PDK Structure

OpenLANE expects a certain file structure for the Sky130 PDK. We recommend adhering to this file structure for Hammer as well. All the files reside in a root folder (named something like skywater or sky130). The environment variable $PDK_ROOT should be set to this folder’s path:

export PDK_ROOT=<path-to-skywater-directory>

$PDK_ROOT contains the following:

  • skywater-pdk

    • Original PDK source files

  • open_pdks

    • install of Open-PDKs tool

  • share/pdk/sky130A

    • output files from Open-PDKs compilation process

2.4.2. NDA Files

Using commercial VLSI tools with this process requires files that are currently under NDA. If you have access to these, you will be able to use the Hammer VLSI flow out-of-the-box with the Sky130 process. Some of these NDA files, such as the Calibre DRC/LVS decks, rely on the environment variable $PDK_HOME containing the path to the version of the NDA files you are using. You may set it in the Hammer plugin, or as follows:

export PDK_HOME=<path-to-skywater-src-nda>/s8/<version#>

This plugin has been tested with PDK version V2.0.1; your mileage may vary for other versions.

2.4.3. Prerequisites for PDK Setup

  • [Magic](http://opencircuitdesign.com/magic/)

    • required for open_pdks file generation

    • tricky to install, closely follow the directions on the Install page of the website

      • as the directions indicate, you will likely need to manually specify the location of the Tcl/Tk package installation using –with-tcl and –with-tk

If using conda, these installs alone caused the Magic install to work:

conda install -c intel tcl conda install -c anaconda tk conda install -c anaconda libglu

2.4.4. OpenRAM SRAMs

TODO: add overview here

2.4.5. PDK Setup

In $PDK_ROOT, clone the skywater-pdk repo and generate the liberty files for each library:

git clone https://github.com/google/skywater-pdk.git cd skywater-pdk # Expect a large download! ~7GB at time of writing. git submodule init libraries/*/latest git submodule update # Regenerate liberty files make timing

Again in $PDK_ROOT, clone the open_pdks repo and run the install process to generate the sky130A directory:

git clone https://github.com/RTimothyEdwards/open_pdks.git cd open_pdks ./configure –enable-sky130-pdk=$PDK_ROOT/skywater-pdk/libraries –prefix=$PDK_ROOT –enable-sram-sky130=$PDK_ROOT/sky130_sram_macros # if using SRAMs make make install

This generates all the Sky130 PDK files and installs them to $PDK_ROOT/share/pdk/sky130A

2.4.6. Known DRC Issues

The Hammer flow generates DRC-clean digital logic when run with the Calibre DRC deck and SRAMs excluded.

TODO: summarize issues with SRAMs and open-source Magic DRC checks.

## Resources The good thing about this process being open-source is that most questions about the process are answerable through a google search. The tradeoff is that the documentation is a bit of a mess, and is currently scattered over a few pages and Github repos. We try to summarize these below.

Git repos:



OpenLANE flow: